My name is Jared Hansen. I am a personal fitness and nutrition consultant and a certified personal trainer. This blog is dedicated to the support and education of anyone who wants to build a healthy, strong body.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Most of us are familiar with the butter/applesauce exchange. Here are a few others to help maximize the nutrition of your meals.

Switch out white flour for whole wheat flour. The less processed your food is, the longer it will take your body to metabolize it, thereby helping to boost your metabolism. The same goes with white rice compared to brown rice, whole grain pasta, etc.

For lower fat in your meals, ditch your mayonnaise for plain yogurt. This is a great substitution especially in salad dressings.

If you find applesauce too runny for your recipes requiring butter, use lowfat or fat-free cream cheese instead.

Some of these substitutions may change the texture or taste of your dishes, so don't be afraid to experiment a couple times, until you find what works for you... and your diet.

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